Archif Pwyllgor Cronfa Datblygu Cynaliadwy

Agendâu a chofnodion cyfarfodydd a gynhaliwyd rhwng 03/10/2012 a 22/01/2020.

Dydd Mercher, 22 Ionawr 2020

Lawrlwythwch y cofnodion

1. Derbyn ymddiheuriadau am absenoldeb

2. Derbyn datganiadau yn datgelu unrhyw ddiddordeb gan Aelodau neu Swyddogion mewn perthynas ag unrhyw eitem o fusnes

3. Cadarnhau cofnodion y cyfarfodydd a gynhaliwyd ar 5 Mehefin 2019 a 3 Gorffennaf 2019

4. Trafod adroddiad Cyfarwyddwr Cynllunio fel Swyddog y Gronfa Datblygu Cynaliadwy

5. Trafod y ceisiadau ar y tudalennau canlynol:

SDF/2019/6: Gweithdy Coetir Coleg Coppicewood
Mae’r prosiect yn awyddus i gael cyllid i adeiladu gweithdy newydd; adeilad crwn o ffrâm bren fel y gellir adleoli Coleg Coppicewood. Dechreuodd y coleg 12 mlynedd yn ôl ar ddarn preifat o goetir 14 erw a oedd yn rhan o goetiroedd ystâd Coedmor yng Nghilgerran. Daw prydles y prosiect i ben ym mis Mehefin 2021 ac ni chaiff ei adnewyddu. Mae lleoliad newydd y coleg o fewn cyrraedd hawdd i’r safle presennol a bydd yn diogelu’r gymuned goetir sydd wedi datblygu o amgylch y coleg dros y blynyddoedd.

Bydd adeiladu gweithdy newydd yn y lleoliad newydd yng nghoedwig Pengelli yn gwarantu y gall Coleg Coppicewood barhau i ddarparu cyrsiau coetir o safon, hyfforddi grwpiau ac unigolion i reoli coetiroedd yn gynaliadwy ac adeiladu eu busnes gwledig eu hunain; a chefnogi ardaloedd o harddwch naturiol sy’n cyd-fynd ag egwyddorion y Parc Cenedlaethol. Byddai rhoi cymorth ariannol i’r cais hwn yn amodol ar gael caniatâd cynllunio a chyflawni’r holl amodau perthnasol.

SDF/2019/7: Teithiau Gogledd Sir Benfro
Mae dros 320 o leoedd o ddiddordeb yng Ngogledd Sir Benfro a’r ardal gyfagos, a’r rheini’n aml iawn yn rhai cudd. Bydd Teithiau Gogledd Sir Benfro yn hyrwyddo ac yn cyflwyno teithiau 4 neu 6 awr a fydd yn canolbwyntio ar Dreftadaeth Gogledd Sir Benfro; mae llawer o’r dreftadaeth honno ym Mharc Cenedlaethol Arfordir Penfro.

Wrth dreialu’r teithiau gyda phobl leol, mae’n amlwg nad oeddent hwythau hyd yn oed yn gwybod am y diwylliant, y cymeriadau, na hanes hynafol a mwy diweddar yr ardal, nac yn ei werthfawrogi. Dyma fydd sail yr ystod o deithiau y byddwn yn eu darparu.

Er mwyn gallu cyflawni busnes teithiau hunangynhaliol a phroffidiol mae angen cyllid cychwynnol arnom i dalu aelod allweddol o staff ac i baratoi deunyddiau marchnata newydd yn ystod y cyfnodau cynharaf, cyn i’r tymor llawn ddechrau yng ngwanwyn 2020.

Fel sefydliad dielw, bydd elw dros ben o’r teithiau yn cael ei ddefnyddio i gefnogi prosiectau twristiaeth/amgylchedd ychwanegol yn y gymuned.

Dydd Mercher, 3 Gorffennaf 2019

Lawrlwythwch y cofnodion

1. Derbyn ymddiheuriadau am absenoldeb

2. Derbyn datganiadau yn datgelu unrhyw ddiddordeb gan Aelodau neu Swyddogion mewn perthynas ag unrhyw eitem o fusnes

3. Cadarnhau cofnodion y cyfarfod a gynhaliwyd ar 10 Ebrill 2019

4. Trafod adroddiad Cyfarwyddwr Cynllunio fel Swyddog y Gronfa Datblygu Cynaliadwy

5. Trafod y ceisiadau ar y tudalennau canlynol:

SDF/2019/1 Y Ganolfan Hynod Wyllt
Cafodd hwn ei drafod eisoes, ond roedd gan yr Aelodau ragor o gwestiynau a gofynnwyd, felly, i’r cais gael ei ailystyried. Y disgrifiad blaenorol ohono oedd:
Bydd y ganolfan hon yn gyfrwng i greu profiad addysgol i’r ymwelwyr sy’n arloesol ac yn sensitif i’r amgylchedd. Mae’r ganolfan yn ymroddedig i helpu’r ymwelwyr a’r trigolion lleol i werthfawrogi ein tirwedd a’n harfordir yn Sir Benfro, a’r modd y gallant gyfrannu at sicrhau bod y dirwedd yn gynaliadwy ar gyfer cenedlaethau’r dyfodol.

Bydd profiad yr ymwelydd yn seiliedig ar gynnig profiad addysgol ac aml-synhwyraidd o ansawdd uchel, unigryw i bawb. Bydd hyn yn ategu’r gwaith o ddatblygu’r ganolfan ymwelwyr i wella ymhellach y cyfleoedd economaidd a’r economi gymdeithasol i bawb yn Nhyddewi, gan hyrwyddo mwy o ymwybyddiaeth o’n hamgylchedd naturiol mewn modd cynaliadwy ac ymarferol.

SDF/2019/03 SDF/2019/03 – Argraffu cynaliadwy
Prosiect yw hwn ar gyfer datblygu lliwiau a phastiau cynaliadwy sy’n seiliedig ar y pridd ac yn eco-gyfeillgar. Bwriedir cynnal cyrsiau ledled Sir Benfro fel rhan o weithdy argraffu cynaliadwy yn Arberth. Bydd ecoleg a chynaliadwyedd wrth wraidd y cyrsiau, a defnyddir deunyddiau argraffu naturiol. Byddant yn ysbrydoli ac yn cyflawni cyrsiau addysg dylunio digidol, a chyrsiau yn ymweud ag argraffu, ar gyfer y gymuned leol a thu hwnt. Yn y lle cyntaf, byddai’r cyrsiau yn cael eu cynnal mewn adeilad wedi’I ailddefnyddio, ac yna gobeithir gallu eu cynnig ledled y sir.

SDF/2019/04 SDF/2019/04
Bragdy Hen Ffermdy Tyddewi
Byddai’r prosiect yn cymhwyso egwyddorion economaidd I greu microfragdy drwy gyfrwng cylch cynhyrchu a gefnogir gan adnoddau naturiol y fferm; cnydau a chynnyrch gan gynnwys barlys a mêl. Bydd y prosiect yn manteisio ar fwlch yn y farchnad a bydd hefyd yn anelu at wella bioamrywiaeth a chynefin y fferm drwy fuddsoddi mewn blychau tylluanod gwyn, datblygu llwybrau cyswllt i’r llwybrau cerdded a hawliau tramwy yn ogystal â’r bragdy ei hun, gan gefnogi addysg, hyfforddiant, sgiliau a chyfrannu at ddeilliannau a restrir yn Strategaeth Gweithredu ar Fwyd Llywodraeth Cymru.

SDF/2019/05 SDF/2019/5
Menter Cymdeithas Budd Cymunedol Car-y-Mor
Cenhadaeth y prosiect yw bod yn fenter gymdeithasol sy’n dod â budd i bobl ac amgylchedd y môr. Bydd yn cynnal 50 o ddigwyddiadau addysg am ddim yn yr awyr agored i blant bob haf i hybu ymwybyddiaeth ac effaith hirdymor. Yn y flwyddyn gyntaf, bydd y prosiect hefyd yn treialu dwy fferm fôr 3D yn Swnt Dewi gan ddefnyddio arferion gwaith gwahanol a rhywogaethau o wymon a physgod cregyn. Bydd y data a’r dystiolaeth a gesglir hefyd yn dod â budd i fusnesau lleol, oherwydd bydd y safleoedd treialu yn darparu riffiau newydd i fywyd môr allu ffynnu.

Dydd Mercher, 5 Mehefin 2019

Lawrlwythwch y cofnodion
1. Ethol Cadeirydd am y flwyddyn sy’n dod
Enwebiad derbyniedig: Neb2. Ethol Dirprwy Gadeirydd am y flwyddyn sy’n dod
Enwebiad derbyniedig: Neb

Dydd Mercher, 10 Ebrill 2019

Lawrlwythwch y cofnodion

1. Derbyn ymddiheuriadau am absenoldeb

2. Derbyn datganiadau yn datgelu unrhyw ddiddordeb gan Aelodau neu Swyddogion mewn perthynas ag unrhyw eitem o fusnes

3. Cadarnhau cofnodion y cyfarfod a gynhaliwyd ar 24 Ionawr 2018

4. Trafod adroddiad Cyfarwyddwr Cynllunio fel Swyddog y Gronfa Datblygu Cynaliadwy

5. Trafod y ceisiadau ar y tudalennau canlynol:

SDF/2019/1 Y Ganolfan Hynod Wyllt
Bydd y ganolfan hon yn gyfrwng i greu profiad addysgol i’r ymwelwyr sy’n arloesol ac yn sensitif i’r amgylchedd. Mae’r ganolfan yn ymroddedig i helpu’r ymwelwyr a’r trigolion lleol i werthfawrogi ein tirwedd a’n harfordir yn Sir Benfro, a’r modd y gallant gyfrannu at sicrhau bod y dirwedd yn gynaliadwy ar gyfer cenedlaethau’r dyfodol.

Bydd profiad yr ymwelydd yn seiliedig ar gynnig profiad addysgol ac aml-synhwyraidd o ansawdd uchel, unigryw i bawb. Bydd hyn yn ategu’r gwaith o ddatblygu’r ganolfan ymwelwyr i wella ymhellach y cyfleoedd economaidd a’r economi gymdeithasol i bawb yn Nhyddewi, gan hyrwyddo mwy o ymwybyddiaeth o’n hamgylchedd naturiol mewn modd cynaliadwy ac ymarferol.

SDF2019/2 Teuluoedd Egnïol
Mae Teuluoedd Egnïol yn brosiect sy’n adeiladu ar lwyddiant presennol Dysgu Sir Benfro a’i brosiect Sbardun sy’n cynnig cyfleoedd dysgu ystyrlon i gefnogi datblygu sgiliau, llesiant a chynnydd plant a theuluoedd ar draws ysgolion y sir. Bydd y prosiect ‘Teuluoedd Egnïol’ hwn yn canolbwyntio ar y rhai sy’n derbyn Prydau Ysgol am Ddim, fydd yn derbyn o leiaf 25 awr o ddysgu yn gysylltiedig â phedair her Gwobr John Muir o gyflwyno profiadau sy’n newid bywydau drwy ddefnyddio adnoddau gwych Parc Cenedlaethol Arfordir Penfro.

Dydd Mercher, 24 Jan 2018

Lawrlwythwch y cofnodion

1. Derbyn ymddiheuriadau am absenoldeb

2. Derbyn datganiadau yn datgelu unrhyw ddiddordeb gan Aelodau neu Swyddogion mewn perthynas ag unrhyw eitem o fusnes

3. Cadarnhau cofnodion y cyfarfod a gynhaliwyd ar 11 Hydref 2017

4. Trafod adroddiad Gweinyddwr y Gronfa Datblygu Cynaliadwy

5. Trafod y ceisiadau ar y tudalennau canlynol:

SDF 0373 – Gwasanaethau Coetir De Sir Benfro
Bydd Gwasanaethau Coetir De Sir Benfro yn estyniad i fusnes coedwigaeth sydd eisoes yn bodoli a fydd yn darparu gwasanaethau rheoli coetiroedd a gwrychoedd isel eu heffaith yn ogystal â darparu tanwydd pren a, lle bo hynny’n bosibl, pren ar gyfer ei lifio i gwrdd â marchnad leol gynyddol. Y nod yw dod â choetiroedd a gwrychoedd sydd heb eu rheoli ar hyn o bryd yn ôl i gynhyrchiant, darparu incwm i dirfeddianwyr a sefydlu trefn reoli gynaliadwy ar gyfer coetiroedd a gwrychoedd sydd heb eu rheoli ar hyn o bryd, gan sicrhau cysylltedd cynefinoedd a manteision bioamrywiaeth. Byddai’r cytundeb arfaethedig â thirfeddianwyr yn cynnwys rhestr wirio bioamrywiaeth sy’n cofnodi data sylfaenol a nodi arferion i gynyddu’r amrywiaeth. Gall rhoi anogaeth i blannu coed ychwanegol mewn corneli caeau lletchwith sy’n anodd eu cyrraedd gyda pheiriannau modern a chaniatáu i goed dyfu’n dalach hefyd gynorthwyo i atal dŵr rhag llifo o dir fferm a allai wella ansawdd dŵr a lleihau’r perygl o lifogydd. Bydd prynu cerbyd wyth olwyn sydd ag ôl-troed isel yn galluogi mynediad i ardaloedd coetir heb eu rheoli sydd ar hyn o bryd yn anhygyrch oherwydd naill ai tir gwlyb neu ddiffyg traciau mynediad. Gall y cerbyd ôl troed isel dynnu coed heb niweidio’r ddaear neu heb fod angen creu traciau mynediad costus sy’n niweidiol i’r amgylchedd. Yn ychwanegol at ddarparu incwm ychwanegol i dirfeddianwyr a lleihau cost rheoli gwrychoedd, byddai’r prosiect hefyd yn diogelu tair swydd, yn darparu gwaith i isgontractwyr ac yn cefnogi swyddi ymhellach i lawr y gadwyn gyflenwi sy’n prosesu’r pren yn goed tân neu’n bren wedi’i lifio.

SDF 0375 – Pŵer Sir Benfro
Mae Oriel VC yn elusen sy’n defnyddio celf fel cyfrwng i ymgysylltu ag aelodau o’r gymuned sydd wedi’u heithrio’n gymdeithasol. Bydd eu prosiect Pŵer Sir Benfro yn adeiladu ar yr arferion gorau a bennir yn sgil cynllun peilot i greu llwyfan o gymorth a lles i grwpiau sy’n ymwneud â’r Oriel VC ar hyn o bryd a hefyd, drwy raglen ymgysylltu, grwpiau newydd. Bydd grwpiau’n ymweld a dysgu am yr amgylchedd a’r diwylliant lleol ac yn defnyddio’u profiad i ddylanwadu ar eu celf. Y nod yw gweithio gydag o leiaf 100 o bobl sydd wedi’u heithrio’n gymdeithasol yn Sir Benfro. Byddai staff Oriel VC yn cael eu hyfforddi gan arbenigwyr pwnc , a fyddai’n eu galluogi i arwain ymweliadau grŵp i safleoedd lleol a ddewiswyd am eu nodweddion hanesyddol, diwylliannol, biolegol neu ddaearegol. Byddai gweithdai yn dilyn yr ymweliadau i ddatblygu’r gwaith celf a byddai pob grŵp sy’n cymryd rhan hefyd yn creu cyfryngau digidol / ffilm neu allbynnau ffotograffig o’u gweithgareddau a llif byw ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol sy’n tynnu sylw at y prosiect a chyflawniadau’r cyfranogwyr. Ar ddiwedd y prosiect, bydd arddangosfa yn arddangos yr holl waith.

SDF 0376 – Halen Dewi – Cam 2
Bydd y prosiect cam 2 hwn yn gweld datblygu ac ehangu Halen Dewi, Halen Môr Dewi Sant, o fasnachu prawf cam 1 i gynhyrchu mwy o halen môr yn fwy cynaliadwy. Mae Halen Dewi yn defnyddio dŵr môr o’r Traeth Mawr yn Nhyddewi. Mae’n unigryw yng Nghymru gan ei fod yn defnyddio dim ond yr haul a’r gwynt i dynnu crisialau halen o’r môr mewn polytwnnel wedi’i addasu. Mae hyn yn wahanol i’r dull confensiynol o gynhyrchu halen môr lle mae’r dŵr yn cael ei gynhesu neu ei ferwi. Bydd prosiect cam 2 yn cynnwys symud i safle newydd, prynu offer newydd, dylunio a chomisiynu brandio a phecynnu pwrpasol newydd, datblygu gwefan a deunyddiau marchnata newydd ac ymestyn allan i fanwerthwyr dethol ledled y DU. Mae Halen Dewi yn ymdrechu i fod yn fusnes cynaliadwy wedi’i leoli ym Mharc Cenedlaethol Arfordir Penfro, gan werthu cynnyrch yn siopau’r ardal. Drwy ehangu, y nod yw sicrhau twf economaidd a fydd yn ei dro yn cyfrannu at gymuned leol fwy gwydn a bywiog.

SDF 0377 – Astudiaeth dichonolrwydd carotenoid
Mae’r prosiect hwn yn astudiaeth dichonolrwydd i echdynnu a nodweddu cyfansoddyn, y credir ei fod yn garotenoid, o gyhyrau’r ewinedd mochyn (slipper limpet) ymledol. Bydd Mikota yn cydweithio â Phrifysgol Caerdydd a Collagen Solutions ccc i echdynnu, puro a nodi cyfansoddyn a ddarganfuwyd yn ystod prosiect ymchwil blaenorol. Bydd y cyfansoddyn a echdynnwyd yn cael ei adnabod a’i nodweddu a bydd y gost o gynaeafu hyd at echdynnu a phuro yn cael ei werthuso er mwyn pennu unrhyw botensial masnachol. Mae’n hysbys fod carotenoidau yn wrth-ocsidyddion sy’n annog dyddodiad colagen a synthesis colagen, gyda nodweddion sy’n wrth-ganser, sy’n diogelu rhag effaith pelydrau uwchfioled ac sy’n hybu imiwnedd. Byddai nodweddu carotenoidau o ewinedd mochyn felly yn arwain at gynnyrch posibl ychwanegol i’r rhai sy’n dymuno casglu, prosesu neu ddileu’r rhywogaeth ymledol hon o ddyfroedd Cymru, gan gynnwys y rhai sy’n eu cynaeafu fel rhan o’r ddalfa. Mae Mikota eisoes wedi sefydlu cyfleuster i stocio a phrosesu ewinedd mochyn yn Noc Penfro fel rhan o’u prosiect haemocyanin. Ar hyn o bryd, maent yn datblygu protocol cynaeafu a thrin ar gyfer deifwyr a pysgotwyr lleol i’w defnyddio pan fyddant yn cynaeafu ewinedd mochyn fel rhan o’r ddalfa ond byddai’r prosiect hwn yn darparu cyfleoedd gwaith ychwanegol yn ogystal â manteision datblygu cynnyrch ychwanegol. Mae ewinedd mochyn wedi difrodi dyfrffyrdd lleol, deorfeydd pysgod a gwelyau pysgod cregyn ond gan nad oes unrhyw werth masnachol iddynt ar hyn o bryd ni chânt eu defnyddio ac nid oes dim i atal eu lledaeniad. Mae cael gwared â gwelyau ewinedd mochyn ac ailstocio’r gwelyau wystrys / cregyn bylchog gyda stoc brodorol felly hefyd yn gallu bod o fudd i’r amgylchedd morol lleol.

SDF 0378 – siop symudol iSea Surfwear a chanolfan glanhau traethau
Brand dillad ffordd o fyw yw iSea Surfwear wedi’i ysbrydoli gan yr arfordir gydag ethos cryf eco-gyfeillgar a gwerthoedd cynhyrchu uchel. Mae’r holl ddillad wedi’u gwneud â llaw a’u hargraffu yn Amroth, gan ddefnyddio deunyddiau o ffynhonnell foesegol. Does braidd ddim deunydd pacio ac mae cynllun ailgylchu llwyddiannus ar waith fel bod pobl yn gallu dychwelyd eu hen ddillad neu ddillad wedi difrodi yn gyfnewid am ostyngiad ar nwyddau yn y dyfodol ac mae’r eitem a ddychwelwyd yn cael ei thrwsio, ei hailgylchu a’i hailwerthu. Mae iSea Surfwear wedi prynu cerbyd ac mae’r prosiect hwn yn anelu at addasu’r cerbyd yn siop symudol ynghyd â chanolbwynt ar gyfer glanhau’r traethau a drefnir yn y gymuned. Mae’r syniad yn cyfuno diddordeb busnes cynaliadwy gydag angerdd y perchennog a phrofiad gwaith gwirfoddol yn trefnu glanhau’r traethau fel cynrychiolydd Surfers Against Sewage. Bydd siop symudol yn sicrhau bod y busnes a’r brand syrffio yn gallu cyrraedd mwy o gwsmeriaid. Bydd hefyd yn darparu’r hyblygrwydd i gyfuno rhedeg y busnes gyda bywyd teuluol a’r gwaith gwirfoddol sy’n gysylltiedig â chodi ymwybyddiaeth o wastraff ac addysg amgylcheddol sy’n gysylltiedig â glanhau’r traethau. Bydd y peiriannau gwnïo yn cael eu pweru gan PV solar a bydd cwsmeriaid yn gallu gweld eu dillad yn cael eu gwneud â llaw. Bydd y cerbyd hefyd yn cynnwys yr holl becynnau ar gyfer cadw’r traethau’n lân ac yn darparu man cyswllt i bobl ddysgu am fentrau arfordir di-blastig. Yn gyffredinol, bydd y prosiect yn annog rhyngweithio, yn hybu ymdeimlad o gymuned, yn cymell glanhau’r traethau, yn dangos sgiliau gwnïo ac yn hybu gwaith a wnaed â llaw yn hytrach na gwaith ar raddfa fawr.

Dydd Mercher, 11 Hydref 2017

Lawrlwythwch y cofnodion

1. Derbyn ymddiheuriadau am absenoldeb

2. Derbyn datganiadau yn datgelu unrhyw ddiddordeb gan Aelodau neu Swyddogion mewn perthynas ag unrhyw eitem o fusnes

3. Cadarnhau cofnodion y cyfarfod a gynhaliwyd ar 28 Mehefin 2017

4. Trafod adroddiad Gweinyddwr y Gronfa Datblygu Cynaliadwy

5. Trafod y ceisiadau ar y tudalennau canlynol:

SDF 0372 – Llwybr Dyframaethu Adfer Wystrys Brodorol
Bydd Tethys Oysters Cyf (Thethys) yn cydweithio â Phrifysgol Abertawe i ymchwilio i ddull newydd o ddatblygu busnes tyfu wystrys (Ostrea edulis) yn Sir Benfro, drwy ddefnyddio model “Dyframaethu Adfer”.

Mae’r wystrys brodorol wedi’u rhestru fel rhywogaeth Cynllun Gweithredu Bioamrywiaeth y DU, ac fe’i nodir fel un o’r Cynefinoedd a’r Rhywogaethau o’r pwys mwyaf i Gymru. Un o’r rhesymau dros y dirywiad difrifol yn niferoedd y rhywogaeth yw’r clefyd parasitig Bonamia, sydd wedi effeithio’n ddirfawr ar boblogaethau o wystrys brodorol gan achosi marwolaethau ar raddfa fawr mewn llawer o ardaloedd sy’n hanesyddol wedi cynhyrchu wystrys, gan gynnwys Dyfrffordd Aberdaugleddau ac afonydd Cleddau.

Mewn ymateb i dystiolaeth y gallai wystrys brodorol sy’n cael eu tynnu allan o’u gwely’r môr brodorol a’u codi i’r golofn ddŵr fod yn iachach, yn dioddef llai o straen, ac yn lleihau’r perygl o fod yn agored i glefydau a bod y cyfraddau goroesi felly wedi cynyddu, mae Tethys yn ddiweddar wedi datblygu dyluniad basged wystrys (basged ortec) yn benodol fel meithrinfa a chynefin tyfu ar gyfer wystrys brodorol. Mae gofyn profi hyn mewn cyd-destun masnachol cynyddol yn awr, a bydd y prosiect ymchwil hwn yn rhoi data empirig i fiolegwyr a busnesau dyframaethu wystrys ynglŷn â thwf a graddau goroesi y wystrys brodorol mewn systemau diwylliant sydd newydd eu datblygu. Bydd y prosiect hefyd yn rhoi data sylfaenol sy’n holl bwysig ar gyfer gwerthuso effeithiau diwyllio wystrys brodorol ar y bioamrywiaeth gyfagos a’r potensial i’r wystrys hyn boblogi’r ecosystem gyfagos (gorlif). Byddai tystiolaeth o orlif yn cael effaith adferol o ran y boblogaeth wyllt.

Bydd fferm Tethys ym Mae Angle yn creu swyddi ac yn cynhyrchu cynnyrch o ansawdd uchel tra hefyd yn chwarae rhan allweddol wrth adfer y boblogaeth wystrys brodorol sydd dan fygythiad a’r gwasanaethau ecosystem cysylltiedig.

SDF 0373 – Gwasanaethau Coetir De Sir Benfro
Bydd Gwasanaethau Coetir De Sir Benfro yn estyniad i fusnes coedwigaeth sydd eisoes yn bodoli fydd yn darparu gwasanaethau rheoli coetiroedd a gwrychoedd isel eu heffaith yn ogystal â darparu tanwydd coed a, lle bo hynny’n bosibl, coed llif i gwrdd â marchnad leol gynyddol. Bydd hyn hefyd yn gymorth i sicrhau tair swydd llawn amser. Y nod yw dod â choetiroedd sydd heb eu rheoli ar hyn o bryd yn ôl i gynhyrchu, a newid rheolaeth gwrychoedd fferm o dorri unwaith y flwyddyn i dorri cylchdro hir. Bydd talu am y coed yn ffynhonnell incwm i’r tirberchnogion, a bydd creu trefn reoli gynaliadwy o fudd sylweddol i gysylltedd cynefinoedd a bioamrywiaeth mewn tirwedd amaethyddol yn bennaf. Bydd annog plannu coed ychwanegol mewn corneli caeau lletchwith sy’n anodd eu cyrraedd gyda pheiriannau modern hefyd yn cyfrannu at fanteision bioamrywiaeth, a gallai hefyd gynorthwyo i leihau dŵr ffo o dir ffermydd. Er mwyn gwireddu’r nodau hyn, mae angen prynu blaenydd pren wyth olwyn ôl-troed isel i alluogi mynediad i ardaloedd coetir sydd heb eu rheoli ar hyn o bryd, sydd ar hyn o bryd yn anhygyrch oherwydd naill ai amodau tir gwlyb neu ddiffyg traciau mynediad. Gall yr blaenydd ôl troed isel godi coed heb niweidio’r ddaear na gofyn creu traciau mynediad costus a niweidiol i’r amgylchedd.

SDF 0374 – Gwarcheidwaid Treftadaeth / Arwyr Amser
Bydd Awdurdod Parc Cenedlaethol Arfordir Penfro yn gweithio gydag ysgolion cynradd yn y Parc Cenedlaethol, a’r gymuned leol gyfagos, i’w hannog i ‘fabwysiadu’ heneb treftadaeth leol. Bydd hyn yn helpu i wella golwg yr heneb ac yn gwella mynediad, ymwybyddiaeth, monitro a dehongli’r safle. Fel rhan o’r broses ac ar ôl cwblhau’r prosiect gellir defnyddio’r safle fel ardal awyr agored i gyflwyno gwersi sy’n cwmpasu pob agwedd ar y cwricwlwm ond yn bwysicaf bydd y plant hefyd yn cael eu cyflwyno i dechnegau archeolegol megis adnabod arteffact, cofnodi a chloddio. Yn y pen draw, bydd y prosiect yn cyflwyno plant i’w treftadaeth leol, yn annog eu rhyngweithio â’r dreftadaeth honno ac yn eu hysbrydoli i ymfalchïo yn eu treftadaeth. Drwy wella mynediad, gwneud unrhyw waith atgyweirio angenrheidiol a datblygu rhaglen fonitro, bydd y prosiect hefyd yn diogelu’r henebion hyn ar gyfer y dyfodol. Bydd dehongli drwy gyfrwng dulliau creadigol, megis gwaith celf, ffotograffiaeth, ffilmiau, drama a chyfryngau cymdeithasol yn codi ymwybyddiaeth yn fwy eang fel bod y gymuned leol a’r cyhoedd yn gyffredinol hefyd yn elwa.

Dydd Mercher, 28 Mehefin 2017

Lawrlwythwch y cofnodion

1. Ethol Cadeirydd am y flwyddyn sy’n dod

2. Ethol Is-Cadeirydd am y flwyddyn sy’n dod

3. Derbyn ymddiheuriadau am absenoldeb

4. Derbyn datganiadau yn datgelu unrhyw ddiddordeb gan Aelodau neu Swyddogion mewn perthynas ag unrhyw eitem o fusnes

5. Cadarnhau cofnodion y cyfarfod a gynhaliwyd ar 25 Ionawr 2017

6. Trafod adroddiad Gweinyddwr y Gronfa Datblygu Cynaliadwy

7. Trafod y ceisiadau ar y tudalennau canlynol:

SDF 0368 – Prosiect Cadwyn Gyflenwi Ynni Adnewyddadwy’r Môr
Bydd prosiect Datblygu Cadwyn Gyflenwi Ynni Adnewyddadwy’r Môr (MRESCD) yn asesu galluoedd cadwyn gyflenwi cwmnïau yn Sir Benfro sydd â’r potensial i arallgyfeirio i’r diwydiant Ynni Adnewyddadwy’r Môr (MRE). Bydd hefyd yn cynnig cyfleoedd ymgysylltu â rhanddeiliaid a ‘Chwrdd â’r Prynwr’ i’r cwmnïau hyn gyda’r nod o’u helpu i arallgyfeirio i farchnad newydd a phroffidiol. Bydd yr asesiad cwmpasu ac asesu cyfle cychwynnol nid yn unig yn rhoi dealltwriaeth sylfaenol o’r gadwyn gyflenwi MRE leol drwy nodi’r cwmnïau hynny sydd eisoes yn gweithio yn y sector a’r rheini sydd â photensial cryf i arallgyfeirio, ond bydd hefyd yn edrych ar ddarparu’r math o gymorth sydd ei angen ar gwmnïau i dreiddio i’r sector ac yn cynorthwyo yn hynny o beth. Bydd ymgysylltu â chwmnïau yn y gadwyn cyflenwi leol yn sicrhau eu bod nid yn unig yn deall y cyfleoedd a gyflwynir ond hefyd yn cael cymorth i sicrhau eu bod mewn sefyllfa gref i wneud cais am gontractau a’u hennill. Yn y pen draw, drwy ddarparu ‘porth’ i’r gadwyn gyflenwi leol i ddatblygu yn y sector ynni morol sy’n esblygu, mae’r prosiect hwn yn ceisio helpu i ddarparu cynaliadwyedd economaidd, cymdeithasol ac amgylcheddol dros y tymor hir.

SDF 0369 – Canolfan Gymunedol Brynberian
Mae’r hen ysgol Fictoraidd yng nghwmwd gwledig Cymraeg Brynberian yn eiddo i’r gymuned ac mae’n Ganolfan Gymunedol yno. Mae angen ei hadnewyddu i ddarparu canolfan gymdeithasol addas at y diben a chynaliadwy ar gyfer y pentref a’r ardal gyfagos. Ar ôl ymgynghori â’r gymuned a gwneud asesiad ynni, mae’r gwaith adnewyddu canlynol wedi’i gynllunio: –
• Insiwleiddio’r adeilad
• Gosod pwmp gwres o’r ddaear a phaneli ffotofoltaidd
• Creu mynedfa newydd sy’n addas i gadeiriau olwyn a thoiledau
• Adnewyddu’r gegin
• Creu Canolfan Dreftadaeth
• Tirlunio
Bydd gosod technolegau sy’n arbed ynni ac insiwleiddio nid yn unig yn lleihau ôl-troed carbon y Ganolfan ond hefyd yn lleihau ei biliau ynni ac yn ei gwneud yn fwy deniadol i rentwyr posibl a all helpu i gynnal y Ganolfan yn ariannol. Mae hyn yn hanfodol er mwyn i’r Ganolfan barhau i fod yn ffocws y mae mawr ei angen ar gyfer Brynberian a’r cylch. Bydd y cyfleusterau presennol a’r rhaglen o weithgareddau yn cael eu ehangu i gynnwys sgiliau hyfforddiant TG (gyda chyfrifiaduron a band eang cyflym), swyddfa a gweithleoedd a bydd yno Ganolfan Dreftadaeth hefyd. Bydd y Ganolfan Dreftadaeth nid yn unig yn lledaenu gwybodaeth a fydd yn helpu i warchod y Gymraeg a diwylliant Cymru yn yr ardal gyfagos, ond hefyd yn annog pobl i ymweld â safleoedd archaeolegol a hanesyddol pwysig yn yr ardal ee Cromlech Pentre Ifan a safleoedd fel Coed Tycanol sy’n bwysig am y blodau a’r anifeiliaid sydd yno.

SDF 0370 – POD Awyr Agored Sir Benfro
Menter gymdeithasol yw Pembrokeshire Frame sy’n gweithio i gynnig profiad gwaith, hyfforddiant a chyflogaeth i bobl ag unrhyw anabledd a/neu bobl sydd wedi’u heithrio’n gymdeithasol ac yn ddifreintiedig. Eu nod yw creu pentref yn yr awyr agored i gyd-fynd â’r ‘Pod Sir Benfro’ newydd, a fydd yn ganolfan gymunedol a llesiant o’r radd flaenaf yn eu safle ym Mhont Fadlen yn Hwlffordd. Bydd y lle y tu allan yn ddeniadol, yn llawn bioamrywiaeth, yn cynnwys gardd synhwyraidd fach (i gynorthwyo ymlacio), gardd y cof (i gynorthwyo’r rhai sydd â dementia) a chyfleuster solar ar gyfer parcio ceir. Bydd yr ardd yn cael ei thirlunio a fydd yn golygu plannu rhywogaethau brodorol, rhywogaethau sy’n denu pryfed peillio, planhigion ar gyfer hel atgofion a hybu’r synhwyrau yn ogystal â chynnwys nodweddion fel blychau adar a ‘gwestai chwilod’ i ddenu bywyd gwyllt. Bydd llwybrau diddorol/llwybrau cerdded i’r adeiladau gyda mynediad llawn i bobl ag anableddau. Hefyd, bydd stondinau beiciau a bwrdd gwybodaeth yn agos at y canopïau maes parcio solar ynghyd ag uned ailwefru cerbydau a fydd yn helpu i godi ymwybyddiaeth o’r dulliau cynaliadwyedd a fabwysiadwyd ar y safle. Bydd buddiolwyr yn gallu cyfrannu at gynllunio a datblygu’r gofod allanol drwy gymryd rhan mewn pedwar hanner diwrnod o sesiynau ymgynghori therapi celf. Drwy benodi Cydlynydd Gwirfoddolwyr gellir rheoli’n effeithiol dîm o bump o wirfoddolwyr yn yr ardd i gynorthwyo i gyflawni’r prosiect ac i gynnal a chadw’r lle y tu allan yn barhaus. Diben hyn yw annog pobl i fynd allan a gwella ansawdd eu bywyd wrth wneud hynny.

SDF 0371 – Coleg y Môr – Cam 2
Mae’r Sea Trust, a leolir yn yr Ocean Lab yn Wdig, yn dymuno adeiladu ar lwyddiant Cam 1 ei brosiect Coleg y Môr a ariennir gan y Gronfa Datblygu Cynaliadwy. Mae’n awyddus i ehangu ei weithgareddau eco-dwristiaeth addysgol yn yr awyr agored gan ei helpu i gyrraedd ei nod o fod yn gynaliadwy’n ariannol. Hyd yma mae’r prosiect Coleg y Môr wedi bod yn llwyddiannus o ran codi ymwybyddiaeth o gadwraeth amgylcheddol a chynaliadwyedd i ymwelwyr a grwpiau ysgol. Fodd bynnag, bydd Cam 2 yn adeiladu ar y llwyddiant hwn drwy fynd â’r gweithgareddau y tu allan i’r Ocean Lab gan gynnwys yr Acwariwm Sea Môr ar ei newydd wedd. Caiff hyn ei gyflawni drwy ddarparu gweithgareddau awyr agored a chyrsiau rheolaidd newydd sy’n seiliedig ar fywyd gwyllt. Bydd yn cynnwys: –
• Trefnu a threialu diwrnodau gwylio dolffiniaid ar fwrdd y fferi Stena Line
• Hyfforddi tywyswyr bywyd gwyllt gwirfoddol
• Datblygu teithiau cwch bach a gaiff eu cyfuno ag arolygon o forfilod ac arolygon ar gyfer dangosyddion newid yn yr hinsawdd
• Casglu ffilmiau am fywyd gwyllt (gan gynnwys ffilmiau o dan y dŵr) ar gyfer cyhoeddusrwydd
Mae arian tuag at rôl y Swyddog Datblygu Prosiect yn hanfodol ar gyfer datblygu Coleg y Môr ymhellach ac i reoli’r ehangu a’r arallgyfeirio i eco-dwristiaeth. Bydd hyn yn helpu i sicrhau dull mwy aml-haen i’r gwaith cadwraeth craidd y mae’r Ymddiriedolaeth Môr yn cael ei gydnabod amdano ac mae’n angenrheidiol er mwyn sicrhau ei hyfywedd ariannol yn y tymor hir. Mae’r rôl yn cynnwys rheoli’r Acwariwm Sea Môr ar ei newydd wedd, rheoli gwirfoddolwyr, rheoli interniaethau, datblygu prosiectau gwyddonol newydd, codi arian, datblygu cysylltiadau ag ysgolion/colegau/prifysgolion a datblygu a threialu cyrsiau a gweithgareddau newydd.

Dydd Mercher, 25 Jan 2017

Lawrlwythwch y cofnodion

1. Ethol Cadeirydd am y flwyddyn sy’n dod

2. Derbyn ymddiheuriadau am absenoldeb

3. Derbyn datganiadau yn datgelu unrhyw ddiddordeb gan Aelodau neu Swyddogion mewn perthynas ag unrhyw eitem o fusnes

4. Cadarnhau cofnodion y cyfarfod a gynhaliwyd ar 18 Mai 2016

5. Trafod adroddiad Gweinyddwr y Gronfa Datblygu Cynaliadwy

6. Trafod y ceisiadau ar y tudalennau canlynol:

SDF 0363 – Ocean Plastics
Nod Ocean Plastics yw datblygu busnes cynaliadwy. Byddai eu busnes o fudd i’r amgylchedd drwy ddefnyddio ac ennyn ymwybyddiaeth o wastraff plastig a hefyd o fudd i’r economi leol drwy ddangos model o weithgynhyrchu ar raddfa briodol. I wireddu eu nod bydd Ocean Plastics yn ailgylchu gwastraff plastig, gan gynnwys plastig a gesglir o’r traethau, a thrwy weithio gydag eraill, byddant yn treialu ac yn dangos pa mor hyfyw yw defnyddio argraffu 3D a mowldiau chwistrellu i gynhyrchu cynnyrch o safon i’w werthu. Bydd y cynnyrch hwn yn cael ei wneud o ddeunyddiau nad oedd yn bosibl cyn hyn nac yn gost effeithiol o ddefnyddio dulliau gweithgynhyrchu ar raddfa fach.

SDF 0364 – Cyfnod Datblygu Gofal Solfach
Yn dilyn y cyfnod o dreialu Gofal Solfach, mae’r prosiect yn symud ymlaen i’r cyfnod datblygu. Bydd y cyfnod nesaf hwn yn adeiladu ar arferion gorau a dreialwyd ac a gyflwynwyd hyd yn hyn, ond bydd hefyd yn cyfuno’r gwasanaethau gwirfoddol a gyflawnwyd gyda’r rhai sy’n cyflawni gofal cartref yr awdurdod lleol neu breifat, i ddarparu gwasanaeth integredig di-fwlch. Hefyd bydd y cyfnod hwn yn ymestyn sylfaen defnyddwyr y gwasanaeth ac yn darparu gwasanaeth mwy ataliol fel modd o oedi’r dirywiad araf i ddibyniaeth wrth i unigolion ddod yn llai symudol ac yn fwy ynysig. Meysydd eraill o waith newydd fydd yn cael ei wneud wrth symud y prosiect yn ei flaen fyddai datblygu gwefan fel erfyn ychwanegol o gyfathrebu, fetio ac argymell masnachwyr lleol ac ymchwilio i fodel o gynaliadwyedd ariannol yn y dyfodol i’r tymor hirach.

SDF 0365 – Astudiaeth o Hemosyanin Ewinedd Moch (Slipper Limpet)
Astudiaeth ymchwil yw’r prosiect hwn i ymchwilio i echdynnu hemosyanin o’r ewinedd moch a’i gymharu â hemosyaninau a ddefnyddir ar hyn o bryd mewn cynnyrch fferyllol. Mae hemosyanin yn gymhorthyn protein hanfodol ar gyfer gwahanol fathau o frechlyn a therapïau eraill o drin canser. Gwyddys bod ewinedd moch yn cynnwys hemosyanin ond ni wyddys a ellir ei echdynnu mewn meintiau masnachol neu beidio nac ychwaith a yw’n bosibl ei buro mewn modd tebyg i hemosyaninau eraill a echdynnir, na sut mae’n cymharu â chynnyrch eraill, a dyna beth fyddai’r prosiect hwn yn ei benderfynu. Hefyd byddai’r prosiect yn datblygu cynllun ar echdynnu a thrin ewinedd moch ar gyfer pysgotwyr sy’n dal ewinedd moch wrth bysgota. Rhywogaeth anfrodorol oresgynnol yw’r ewinedd moch sy’n cael effaith andwyol ar fioamrywiaeth mewn dyfrffyrdd lleol, deorfeydd pysgod a gwelyau pysgod cregyn. Yn y dyfodol gallai datblygu’r cynnyrch yn fasnachol ddod â budd sylweddol yn amgylcheddol ac yn economaidd i Barc Cenedlaethol Arfordir Penfro.

SDF 0366 – Rheoli Gwymon yn Gynaliadwy yn Nyfrffordd yr Aberdaugleddau
Mae’r prosiect hwn yn canolbwyntio ar reoli blodau’r gwymon yn nyfrffordd Aberdaugleddau fel modd o fynd i’r afael â mater sydd o bwys i’r amgylchedd, sef lefelau uchel o faetholion sy’n effeithio ar ansawdd y dŵr. Bydd y cynllun peilot hwn yn casglu gwymon o’r ddyfrffordd a’i ddefnyddio fel porthiant ar gyfer cyfleuster treulio anaerobig bach i gynhyrchu bio-nwy a gwrtaith i’w ddefnyddio’n lleol. Bydd gwaith y prosiect yn cynnwys arfarnu opsiynau ar gyfer defnyddio gwymon fel porthiant ar gyfer treulio anaerobig a’i ddefnyddio wedyn i gynhyrchu bio-nwy a modelu’r broses arfaethedig yn ariannol. Hefyd bydd y prosiect yn cynnwys astudiaeth dichonoldeb i archwilio sut y gallai rheoli a thyfu gwymon chwarae rhan mewn cynlluniau Talu am Wasanaethau Ecosystemau megis “Ecobank”, sy’n gynllun penodol y mae Llywodraeth Cymru a Chyfoeth Naturiol Cymru yn ei dreialu yn Sir Benfro. Mae i’r prosiect y potensial o fod yn gatalydd, gan arwain at fuddiannau amgylcheddol ac economaidd i’r rhanbarth, ac yn gymorth i leihau lefelau’r maetholion yn y ddyfrffordd, ac i wella mwynhad hamdden y ddyfrffordd yn ogystal â rhoi cyfleoedd i greu swyddi yn y gymuned leol.

SDF 0367 – Llesiant
Fel rhan o brosiect partneriaeth ehangach dros Gymru gyfan dan arweiniad Cadwch Gymru’n Daclus, bydd y prosiect Llesiant yn cynyddu ymwybyddiaeth a dealltwriaeth o ddiwylliant a threftadaeth Cymru, ac yn gwneud i ffynhonnau ym Mharc Cenedlaethol Arfordir Penfro fod yn fwy hygyrch. Mae’r bartneriaeth o’r farn bod y rhwydwaith o Ffynhonnau Cysegredig, Ffynhonnau Sanctaidd a Sbas Meddyginiaethol yng Nghymru, a elwir gyda’i gilydd yn ffynhonnau iachusol, yn cynrychioli ased treftadaeth hynod bwysig sy’n haeddu mwy o ddiddordeb, yn haeddu cael eu cofnodi a’u diogelu. Bydd y cam hwn o ddatblygu’r prosiect yn archwilio’r ffynhonnau, yn gwneud arolygon safle a gwaith ymchwil ac yn ymgynghori â’r cymunedau i wella’r cofnodion a’r gwaith o gofnodi ffynhonnau yn benodol yn yr ardal o gwmpas Tyddewi a Phen Strwmbwl i sicrhau na fyddant yn mynd yn angof. Bydd y cymunedau lleol yn cymryd rhan i warchod a hyrwyddo eu ffynhonnau lleol, ac yn y tymor hirach, bydd busnesau hefyd yn cael eu hannog i hyrwyddo buddiannau’r ffynhonnau i dwristiaeth a’u cysylltiadau â safleoedd treftadaeth eraill. Yn ogystal bydd y prosiect yn ymchwilio i fuddiannau bioamrywiaeth y safleoedd ffynhonnau a’r potensial o hyrwyddo pa mor bwysig yw rheoli’r adnoddau dŵr.

Dydd Mercher, 18 Mai 2016

Lawrlwythwch y cofnodion

1. Derbyn ymddiheuriadau am absenoldeb

2. Derbyn datganiadau yn datgelu unrhyw ddiddordeb gan Aelodau neu Swyddogion mewn perthynas ag unrhyw eitem o fusnes

3. Cadarnhau cofnodion y cyfarfod a gynhaliwyd ar 20 Ionawr 2016

4. Trafod adroddiad Gweinyddwr y Gronfa Datblygu Cynaliadwy

5. Trafod y ceisiadau ar y tudalennau canlynol:

SDF 0355 – Llanw a Thrai y Strwmbl
Nod Prosiect Llanw a Thrai y Strwmbl yw gwireddu’r prosiect llanw a thrai cyntaf yng Nghymru sy’n eiddo i’r gymuned. Byddai’r prosiect yn cefnogi nodau TBG i liniaru effaith y gymuned ar y newid yn yr hinsawdd, a darparu ffynhonnell gynaliadwy o ynni a chyflenwad parhaol. Bydd manteision ariannol hefyd i fuddsoddwyr lleol a mentrau cymunedol lleol. Yn sgil gwaith ymchwil, gwelwyd fod darnau mawr o wely’r môr ym Mhen Strwmbl yn ffynhonnell sylweddol o ynni, ac y gellid gosod un ddyfais neu nifer o dwrbinau llanw yno. Mae TBG eisoes wedi cysylltu â sefydliadau allweddol i godi ymwybyddiaeth am y prosiect, ac i gychwyn partneriaethau posibl, ond er mwyn arwain y prosiect i’r cam nesaf mae angen cymorth ymgynghorwyr arbenigol sydd â lefel uchel o arbenigedd mewn ynni morol a datblygu cymunedol. Mae angen arbenigedd i hybu’r gwaith parneriaeth, cynnal ymgynghori cymunedol, ymgysylltu â datblygwyr dyfeisiau morol i baru’r adnoddau â dyfais neu ddyfeisiau cynhyrchu addas, paratoi cynllun busnes i ddarlunio hyfywedd economaidd, sicrhau cyllid ar gyfer amryw gamau’r prosiect ac i ymchwilio i drwyddedu gwely’r môr, y gofynion o ran caniatâd cynllunio ac asesu effeithiau neu sensitifrwydd amgylcheddol i baratoi ar gyfer yr Asesiad o’r Effaith Amgylcheddol y bydd ei angen yn nes ymlaen. Oherwydd ei leoliad a’r morlin, cydnabuwyd bod ffynonellau ynni morol yn bwysig iawn i Sir Benfro. Byddai datblygu dyfais llanw a thrai yn enghraifft o arfer da ac yn dangos yn ymarferol sut y gall technoleg sy’n ymwneud â’r llanw ddod â manteision i’r gymuned yn gyffredinol yn ogystal â manteision amgylcheddol.
SDF 0360 –Cysylltiadau Naturiol
Bydd y prosiect hwn gan Awdurdod Parc Cenedlaethol Arfordir Penfro (APCAP) yn treialu menter ymgysylltu newydd yn benodol ar gyfer busnesau twristiaeth sy’n berchen ar dir ym Mharc Cenedlaethol Arfordir Penfro (PCAP). Bydd ecolegydd ymgynghorol yn darparu gwybodaeth arbenigol am arferion rheoli tir sy’n gyfeillgar i fywyd gwyllt a bydd yn rhoi gwybodaeth benodol am werth bywyd gwyllt a phrofiadau ym milltir sgwâr y saith busnes sy’n rhan o’r prosiect. Amcan y prosiect yw annog busnesau twristiaeth i reoli tir mewn ffordd sy’n rhoi cynefinoedd addas i fywyd gwyllt a hefyd i hybu gweithgareddau a phrofiadau a ddaw â manteision i’r amgylchedd ac i’r busnes. Bydd pob busnes sy’n cymryd rhan yn cael arolwg ecolegol o’r tir ynghyd ag adroddiad ecolegol ac argymhellion ar gyfer cyfoethogi eu tir a’u hadeiladau ar gyfer bywyd gwyllt. Lle bo modd, cynigir cymorth APCAP i helpu i weithredu’r argymhellion. Bydd pecyn gwybodaeth ar gael hefyd a fydd yn cynnwys manylion am safleoedd dynodedig lleol ac ardaloedd o ddiddordeb o fewn pellter cerdded/beicio/taith fer mewn car o’r busnes. Lle bo busnesau twristiaeth eisoes yn berchen ar y tir ac yn ei reoli i safon uchel ar gyfer bywyd gwyllt bydd y prosiect yn canolbwyntio ar eu helpu i gyflwyno hynny i’w hymwelwyr. Drwy gysylltu’r ffordd y caiff y tir ei reoli er budd bioamrywiaeth yn uniongyrchol â’r busnes twristiaeth, gobeithir y bydd y rheolaeth o’r tir a’r budd i fywyd gwyllt yn cael ei gynnal dros y tymor hirach.

SDF 0361 – Cwricwlwm Arfordirol – Ynni’r Môr
Bydd y prosiect hwn yn adeiladu ar brosiect peilot a ariannwyd gan y Gronfa Datblygu Cynaliadwy a roddodd i bobl ifanc yn Ysgol Gyfun Aberdaugleddau gyfle i fanteisio ar raglen addysg newydd sbon sy’n gysylltiedig â diwydiannau ynni’r môr. Bu’r myfyrwyr yn dysgu am ddatblygiadau arloesol a chyfleoedd posibl sy’n gysylltiedig â chynhyrchu ynni adnewyddadwy o’r môr. Y nod yw sicrhau bod cenedlaethau’r dyfodol yn fwy gwybodus am y maes ac felly’n gallu manteisio’n llawn ar yrfa bosibl yn y dyfodol. Cyflawnodd y prosiect hyn drwy gysylltu gwybodaeth allweddol am ddatblygu ynni morol a gyrfaoedd mewn ynni morol â’r Cwricwlwm Cenedlaethol Daearyddiaeth (CA3 ar hyn o bryd). Roedd manteision y dull hwn o weithredu, sef darparu’r rhaglen addysg gysylltiedig mewn gwersi daearyddiaeth yn amlwg. Yn sgil yr adorth cadarnhaol a gafwyd mae PCF yn awyddus i gyflwyno adnoddau addysg a grewyd yn ystod y cynllun peilot i holl ysgolion uwchradd Sir Benfro. Byddant yn rhoi dwy wers i bob un o’r naw ysgol uwchradd, sydd, gyda dosbarthiadau o 30 disgybl ar gyfartaledd, yn golygu y byddant yn ymwneud â thua 540 disgybl. Drwy ymgysylltu’n gynnar, mae PCF yn gobeithio sicrhau bod cenedlaethau’r dyfodol yn gwybod am gyfleoedd pwysig i hybu eu gyrfaoedd.

SDF 0362 – Coleg Y Mor
Mae Sea Trust (Cwmni Buddiant Cymunedol) yn awyddus i gyflogi Swyddog Datblygu Prosiect i gynnal prosiect peilot am flwyddyn i ddatblygu’r cysyniad o Goleg y Mor/Marine Academy yn adeilad unigryw Labordy’r Môr yn Wdig. Byddai Coleg y Môr yn ganolfan ragoriaeth Gymreig, a byddai’n addysgu, yn gwneud gwaith ymchwil gwyddonol, yn monitro’r amglchedd ac yn denu ymwelwyr. Dyma gyfle i’r adeilad gael ei ddefnyddio fel y bwriadwyd yn wreiddiol, sef i astudio a monitro’r amrywiaeth leol o gynefinoedd a bywyd gwyllt. Bydd hefyd yn gyfle i academyddion gydweithio â gwirfoddolwyr. Y dasg fydd adnabod yr heriau i’n hamgylchedd morol, a’u lliniaru, gan gynnwys pynciau fel colli cynefinoedd, dirywiad bioamrywiaeth, y newid yn yr hinsawdd, llygredd, rhywogaethau ymledol a gorddefnyddio adnoddau. I gyflawni’r cynllun peilot, byddai angen ailagor, ehangu a gwella’r acwariwm i greu arddangosfeydd rhyngweithiol gwell. Byddai hynny’n cynyddu ei effaith addysgol yn syweddol. Drwy ailwampio a gwella’r arddangosfa bydd Coleg y Môr yn fwy cynaliadwy at y dyfodol. Yn ogystal â chynnal Labordy’r Môr, ynghyd â rheoli gwirfoddolwyr a goruchwylio’r gwaith gwella ar yr arddangosfa forol, byddai’r Swyddog Datblygu hefyd yn creu ac yn darparu cyrsiau arloesol newydd a rhaglen addysgu o bell ac yn gweithio â sefydliadau addysg, sefydliadau anllywodraethol a phartneriaid i weld beth yw’r anghenion a’r mathau o gyfleusterau a gweithgareddau sydd eu hangen. Bydd cynllun prosiect Coleg y Môr yn ystyried y posibilrwydd o ddatblygu’r gwaith cadwraeth ac addysg pwysig iawn y mae Sea Trust wedi’i wneud hyd yn hyn er mwyn darparu manteision amglcheddol, cymdeithasol ac economaidd ehangach yn y dyfodol.

Dydd Mercher, 20 Jan 2016

Lawrlwythwch y cofnodion

1. Penodi Cadeirydd

2. Penodi Dirprwy Gadeirydd

3. Ymddiheuriadau am absenoldeb

4. Datgelu buddiant

5. Cadarnhau cofnodion y cyfarfod a gynhaliwyd ar ar 28 Ionawr 2015.

6. Y Diweddaraf am y Gronfa Datblygu Cynaliadwy

7. Ceisiadau am gyllid o’r Gronfa Datblygu Cynaliadwy

SDF 0354 – Pembrokeshire Sustainable Shellfish Pilot Initiative
The Pembrokeshire Sustainable Shellfish Pilot Initiative aims to raise awareness and understanding, amongst the fishing industry and coastal communities, of the environmental and economic issues associated with ghost fishing of static gear. These are the problems caused when lost or derelict fishing gear continues to catch fish. Fishermen will be encouraged to introduce one or more voluntary initiatives into their fishing practice, which can help to reduce their impact on the environment and demonstrate a proactive solution to some of the recognised issues. These include a reduction in fish stocks, impacts on habitats and marine litter. By introducing a series of measures such as gear tagging, biodegradable hooks, escape hatches and v-notching lobsters, as well as educating fishermen, the project aims to demonstrate that it is possible to improve the sustainability of static fishing gear off the Pembrokeshire Coast. Consequently this will reduce the impact that lost fishing gear is having on the marine environment and minimise the likelihood of catching juvenile species. The environmental improvements secured will benefit the Pembrokeshire Marine Special Area of Conservation (SAC), future generations making use of the site’s living resources and also sustain economic returns for fishermen.

SDF 0355 – Strumble Tidal Flow
Research undertaken by SEACAMS (a partnership of marine experts from Bangor, Aberystwyth and Swansea Universities) for Transition Bro Gwaun (TBG) has identified areas of the seabed off Strumble Head where there is potential for tidal flow devices to be installed. The Strumble Tidal Flow Project aims to realise the first community owned/led tidal flow project in Wales. This project would support TBG’s aims to mitigate the community’s impact on climate change and provide a sustainable energy source and security of supply, whilst also bringing local financial benefits for both local investors and local community initiatives. Following the SEACAMS report TBG have engaged with key stakeholder organisations to raise awareness of the project and to initiate potential partnerships. To drive the project forward to the next stage requires specialist consultants, with a high level of expertise in both marine energy and community development, to further partnerships and engage with marine device developers to identify a device suitable for installation. Work to develop a business plan and secure funding for subsequent stages is also crucial for ongoing progress including, for example, Crown Estate Seabed leasing. Due to its location and coastline marine energy sources are recognised as very important to Pembrokeshire. Development of a community tidal flow device would be an exemplar of best practice and provide a working demonstration of how tidal technology can deliver not only environmental benefit but wider community benefit too.

SDF 0356 – On the Trail of Wild Honey
On the Trail of Wild Honey is a collaborative developmental project which will in the longer term link landowners, beekeepers, tourists providers and retailers with habitat conservation projects across Pembrokeshire. The project vision is to:-
• Increase the production of premium quality honey from Pembrokeshire landscapes and to link production to the conservation story e.g. re-created heathlands and hay meadows, newly planted orchards and restored peatlands
• Create a collaborative working venture between beekeepers, landowners and conservation organisations to further the conservation land management at existing and new apiary sites
• Produce associated new local heathland products e.g. heather ale, heather honey mead or heather soap
• Promote products in local retail outlets
• Establish a ‘honey trail’ in conjunction with tourist providers, to tell the story of the county’s ‘bee-scapes’, the habitat creation projects, the ‘bee boles’, the native welsh black bee and the honey
To achieve this vision support is initially required to further develop an existing ecologically sound wild meadow seed and ecological consultancy business. This will involve expansion to existing capacity in the wild seed harvesting enterprise and to keep bees, process honey and provide hives for apiaries on conservation-minded farms. Work will entail salvaging, re-erecting and sustainably adapting a Dutch barn to house bees, equipment and wild meadow seed drying racks. By purchasing beehives, associated equipment and fencing to establish out-apiaries at sites across Pembrokeshire the initial phase of the project will not only help to secure the future of a viable small farming business but also add value to conservation initiatives that contribute to the conservation, enhancement and creation of important habitats that deliver recognised benefits to biodiversity.

SDF 0357 – Compost Heat Recovery
To enable the sustainable expansion of a National Park based tree surgery business this innovative project intends to use a Compost Heat Recovery system to provide an environmentally friendly source of heat for a kiln to dry firewood. Virgin timber woodchip arising from tree surgery operations that cannot be dried and used as firewood will be composted in a specially constructed composting area incorporating a patented compost aeration and heat recovery system. Renewable thermal energy captured as moist hot compost vapour is run through specialised heat exchangers where water is heated and condensate water is reclaimed. Aeration exhaust or pre-heated air can be automatically sent back into the compost for moisture and energy optimisation. The hot water produced will run through and heat the kiln where split green timber will be dried to a 15% moisture content within 2-4 weeks. Once the compost mound stops producing heat for the kiln it can be sold for compost. In addition to the environmental benefits from using a renewable source of energy to heat the kiln, the project will also secure a sustainable local business, future employment and training opportunities and ongoing sustainable woodland management protecting habitats and wildlife.

SDF 0358 –Pembrokeshire Park Play, Our Way
Clybiau Plant Cymru Kids’ Clubs operate out of school childcare clubs that are staffed by qualified playworkers and provide play and learning opportunities to children (3-14 years) before and after school and during the school holidays. Their new project, “Pembrokeshire Park Play, Our Way” will build a greater awareness and understanding amongst children, young people and play-workers of the culture, wildlife, landscape and landuse of the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park (PCNP). This will include the importance of conserving its special coastal qualities and will be achieved by learning through play in an informal, fun way. The new sustainable low/no cost activities introduced will also encourage children to be more active outdoors providing additional health and wellbeing benefits. The project will give play-workers improved knowledge, skills, confidence and a bank of new sustainable activity ideas to facilitate environmental play, learning and action for children, within the context of the National Park. New activities will be piloted and evaluated locally and the new tested activities added to Clybiau Plant Cymru Kids’ Clubs environmental play pack called “Nature Zone”. To launch and demonstrate the new activities, a training event will be held to show play-workers how to best use the Nature Zone pack and promote the use of PCNP as a natural learning and play resource.

SDF 0359 – Pembrokeshire Outdoor Schools
The Pembrokeshire Outdoor Schools (PODS) partnership wishes to develop and deliver a new programme of training and support for schools to enable them to become more effective in delivering outdoor education. The programme would focus on a wide range of cross-curricular learning opportunities, whilst also promoting a greater understanding of and empathy with Pembrokeshire Coast National Park and more generally, the natural world. The project will include:-
• A programme of bespoke training for teachers to provide teachers with opportunities to gain confidence in delivering learning outdoors across a range of topic areas.
• Outdoor learning sessions for pupils to showcase new approaches to learning outdoors, highlighting opportunities across the curriculum and in a range of settings.
• A range of new supporting materials for teachers to complement existing resources and with a local emphasis designed to enable teachers to access outdoor settings in Pembrokeshire and the National Park for learning.
A part- time PODS coordinator would deliver the programme with PODS partners contributing to the training and all other aspects of the project. PODS is a collaboration between the professional learning community in Pembrokeshire (including head-teachers, teachers and local authority advisors) and key strategic partners including Darwin Science, Sports Pembrokeshire, Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority, the National Trust, Field Studies Council, Keep Wales Tidy (Eco-schools) and Health Promoting Schools Pembrokeshire. Outdoor Schools aim to promote the use of the outdoors across the National Curriculum to develop strong, fit, healthy children who are fully acquainted with the outdoors and who have a very well developed sense of physical and emotional wellbeing.

8. Adolygiad o’r Gronfa Datblygu Cynaliadwy gan Ardaloedd o Harddwch Naturiol Eithriadol

Dydd Mercher, 28 Jan 2015

Lawrlwythwch y cofnodion

1. To receive apologies for absence

2. To receive any disclosure of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business

3. To confirm the minutes of the meeting of the SDF Committee held on 17 September 2014

4 To consider the report of the SDF Administrator

5. To consider the applications on the following pages:

SDF 0349 – Dr Beynon’s Bug Farm: Phase 3
The Bug Farm Phase 3 project will build on Phases 1 and 2 to deliver an exceptional, year-round, all weather educational experience for tourists, the local community, schools, colleges and universities. Phase 1 developed off-site educational events and research Projects. Phase 2 built on Phase 1 and supported the purchase of a farmstead and the development of the lecture room, laboratory, insect breeding rooms and associated infrastructure/employment. Phase 3 will see the opening of The Bug Farm to the public and in addition to on-site bug hunts, guided walks, workshops and discussion events will include the following:

• A tropical walk-through Bug House created within a polytunnel, landscaped with tropical plants and containing butterflies and other invertebrates (“bugs”).
• A Pembrokeshire (temperate) walk-through Bug House also created in a polytunnel which will join the Tropical Bug House to create one continuous experience from the Amazon rainforest back to Pembrokeshire. This Bug House will be landscaped with Pembrokeshire’s native plants and habitats and stocked with our beautiful under-valued native invertebrate (“bug”) species, many of which are difficult to see in the wild.
• A Cocoon constructed from the farm’s old steel grain silo. You will enter into the hidden, alien world of the sights and sounds of insect metamorphosis.
• A ticket office/shop/gallery housed in the farm’s old milking shed. Here visitors will be able to buy their tickets, bug-hunting kits, entomological equipment, branded merchandise, produce from the Bug Farm farm and view insect art in the gallery area.

SDF 0346 – Solva Care Pilot Project
The overall aim of the Solva Care Community Project is to improve the health and wellbeing of the community by establishing a social enterprise company that would provide care packages at a variety of levels according to need. The work of locally based carers would be supported and enhanced by a team of volunteers.

By focusing on the needs of the individual in the community and providing continuity of care, the project will also strengthen and support the wider community and facilitate an integrated holistic and sustainable approach to well being in the community.

Funding is required to support a two year pilot working with teams of volunteers, to establish the best ways of working at a local level to deliver a full programme of care to members of the community in need of help. The model of community care proposed is unique and was devised after community consultation concluded that this was a sustainable solution to meeting the current and longer term needs of the community, especially the older members. Funding would contribute towards the appointment of a part time Project Coordinator to assist in establishing the volunteer framework and arranging and delivering the training of volunteers. The Co-rdinator would also work towards implementation of the next phase (post pilot) of project delivery.

SDF 0347 – Off Grid Street Food
Café Môr, a multi-award winning street food offer based at Freshwater West and which serves locally sourced sustainable food, aims to develop the UK’s first off-grid mobile catering outlet. Mobile catering units are currently solely reliant on LPG gas to fuel cooking equipment and petrol generators to power fridges and freezers. This project will be the first of its kind and provide an example of how mobile catering can be powered by more sustainable resources. The project is to develop the existing mobile catering unit to operate without the need for an on-site generator. This will be achieved by installing photo-voltaic (pv) panels and a wind tubine to the roof of the trailer, a battery bank and DC/LPG compatible catering equipment or better energy efficient white goods. The project will be a pioneering project within the mobile catering industry and demonstrate the feasibility of reducing the use of fossil fuels to operate a mobile catering trailer. It will also mean that visitors to the trailer and beach will not experience the noise of the generator and provide visual evidence of how renewable energy and good design can provide all the services required to operate a trailer in a remote location. The exemplar project and a published case study will be widely publicised to show what can be achieved with renewable technology and raise awareness of the potential benefits of wider uptake by the mobile catering industry.

SDF 0348 – Newport Memorial Hall Medieval Kiln Project
The aim of this community based project is to create a new cultural heritage attraction by conserving a medieval pottery kiln (15th Century), registered as a Scheduled Ancient Monument and Nationally Important Designated Site. It is also to provide a complimentary and diverse programme of community engagement activities and educational workshops. These will promote the wider understanding and awareness of sustainability through related themes and help boost the local economy through heritage tourism in order to build capacity in the community.

The kiln was discovered when excavating the foundations for Newport Memorial Hall in 1921 and there it has remained ever since, hidden from view in the basement. Led by volunteers, with the support of the project manager, essential structural changes will be undertaken to improve environmental conditions and therefore inhibit mould growth that is currently threatening the fabric of the kiln. This work will also allow access to the kiln by the public and provide a multi-purpose education resource area with interpretation of the medieval kiln, medieval Newport, the kiln’s pottery and its regional story. Creative interpretation of the kiln will also reflect the wider issues linking the medieval kiln and its pottery to geology, the environment and sustainability. In a report commissioned by CADW the kiln has been described as ‘the best preserved medieval pottery kiln in Wales, possibly the UK’.

SDF 0350 – Grub
Grub is a new venture that aims to change opinions about how and what we eat. It is an exciting, innovative new food business that champions and promotes eating insects (entomophagy). Insects are one of nature’s most abundant resources and vastly untapped foods and this project will challenge convention about how the majority of people in the developed world think about the food we eat. Creating awareness and positively promoting this innovative and sustainable alternative to conventionally farmed sources of protein is essential to fulfil our need for protein as the population is predicted to exceed nine billion by 2050; it is also the reason for developing Grub. Funding is required to complete building refurbishment for a restaurant, seating and interactive engagement area at Dr Beynon’s Bug Farm in St Davids, which is the ideal location for this venture to be based. Grub will be a stand-alone venture but collaboration will be mutually beneficial and deliver an enhanced visitor experience.

The seating area for approximately 50-60 people will provide space to serve high quality food and drink to the public but has also been designed as an interactive venue for outreach events including workshops, cooking demonstrations and sustainability feast nights incorporating an entomophagy theme. These events will teach people how to explore the exciting new world of edible insects, as well as how to cook them and integrate them into their diets. The events will be developed and tailored to fit specific target audiences such as school/college/university groups, farming and agriculture professionals and private groups. The restaurant will offer a completely new combined dining and learning experience with a menu featuring both conventional and “unconventional fare”. There will be a large display showing edible insects of the world and information boards where local, native edible species are described alongside their edible tropical relatives. Dishes will range from an edible insect ‘pick and mix’ starter, to cricket crepes with bamboo worm fudge sauce for pudding; all highly unusual but delicious!

SDF 0351 – Marine Energy – Education Development and Fisheries Diversification
Pembrokeshire Coastal Forum, through their Marine Energy Pembrokeshire work-stream, aims to raise awareness of the recognised marine energy potential of the sea surrounding Pembrokeshire and in particular focus on forthcoming opportunities for socio economic benefit. This project will engage with young people in one of the county’s secondary schools and the local fishing community to raise awareness of potential involvement and opportunity associated with the developing marine renewable energy industry. Funding would assist delivery of:-

• a new education programme providing information on renewable energy and promoting upcoming career opportunities in the marine energy industry. This will enable students to make informed choices regarding their subject options and future career path. The programme will be delivered during geography lessons and will be linked to the National Curriculum and local future industry needs.
• two stakeholder engagement events with the fisheries sector to improve future livelihood prospects by explaining possible diversification options associated with the Pembrokeshire Marine Energy Wave Demonstration Zone and marine energy industry in the area.

Early engagement is considered essential to ensure that local communities are in a strong position to take advantage of opportunities and reap potential benefits.

Dydd Mercher, 17 Medi 2014

Lawrlwythwch y cofnodion

1. To elect a Chairman for the ensuing year.

2. To elect a Deputy Chairman for the ensuing year.

3. To receive apologies for absence

2. To receive any disclosure of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business

3. To confirm the minutes of the meeting of the SDF Committee held on the 29th January 2014

4 To consider the report of the SDF Administrator

5. To consider the applications on the following pages:

SDF 0343 – A Stitch in Time
This project is a pilot, river catchment-based project, to control invasive non-native plant species in the Gwaun Valley. A project coordinator will be employed for fifteen months on a part-time basis in order to involve organisations, landowners and communities in surveying the upper area of the Gwaun Valley catchment for invasive non-native plant species and then using species and location appropriate methods and techniques to control Japanese Knotweed, Himalayan Balsam and Rhododendron. These three key invasive species have been identified by the Pembrokeshire Biodiversity Partnership as priority species for control.

The intended outcomes of the project are:
1) A locally-adapted, catchment-based, invasive species control model, applicable in the National Park and wider Pembrokeshire, in even the most environmentally-sensitive areas.
2) Mapped knowledge of and reduction in extent of invasive species in the Gwaun valley catchment
3) Increased agency and individual/community awareness of and capacity to manage key invasive plant species following the project.
4) Online documentation of the project as a reference resource, to include approaches to engagement with communities and partner organisations, invasive species survey, mapping, identification of transmission routes, treatment and lessons learned.

SDF 0344 – Marine Code – Caldey Island Buoyage
The main output from this project is the provision and placement of buoys to support awareness of and adherence to the Marine Code in the area around Caldey and St Margaret’s Islands. Visually marking the sensitive locations with buoys is a different approach that will alert water users, raise awareness of the code and therefore change behaviour to help protect marine wildlife, the special qualities of the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park and consequently the local economy. This will be linked to new supporting educational and awareness raising material and, if successful, could be deployed in other locations in Pembrokeshire and further afield. The Marine Code is a combination of Voluntary Seasonal Access Agreements and Codes of Conduct for minimising disturbance to marine wildlife which helps protect marine ecosystems. The partnership approach which includes local businesses, statutory and non-statutory organisations has been in existence for over 10 years. This collaboration has developed an approach which is viewed as best practice around the UK, helps protect a wildlife boat trip sector that is worth an estimated £9.7m of expenditure per annum to the local economy and is written into Marine Licenses by NRW.

SDF 0345 – Biomass Firewood Kiln
This project involves the construction of a firewood kiln that will be fuelled by biomass. It will assist a tree surgery business based in the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park to expand their existing business sustainably and create additional employment and training opportunities. The kiln will be constructed from a super insulated shipping container with an electric ventilation/humidity/temperature control system. The heat source will be underfloor heating supplied by solar thermal energy and a biomass boiler. The tree working activities will provide a sustainable local base material which will be sold on as kiln dried firewood. During the processing of the firewood, a large amount of waste material (not suitable to be sold on) is also produced and this will be used to fuel the kiln. A bespoke racking and stacking system will be used to dry the woodchip from the tree surgery operations. Benefits of kiln drying timber include:-
• no requirement for a large storage shed as the timber can be processed and seasoned in a matter of days to provide a ‘made to order service’
• Fuel produced as and when required
• Moisture content below 12% (unachievable from air drying timber) giving a superior more efficient fuel
Lasting impacts of the project will be a sustainable local business, employment and sustainable woodland management that will protect habitats and biodiversity.


Dydd Mercher, 29 Jan 2014

Lawrlwythwch y cofnodion

1. To receive apologies for absence

2. To receive any disclosure of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business

3. To confirm the minutes of the meeting of the SDF Committee held on the 8th Mai 2013

4 To consider the report of the SDF Administrator

5. To consider the applications on the following pages:

SDF 0340 – Passive Window and Door Manufacturing Area
Thomas Joinery’s aim is to grow their business sustainably by increasing manufacturing capability, reducing energy consumption and associated costs and providing ongoing employment and training opportunities as well as continuing to manufacture and supply high quality sustainable products. To achieve this aim they need to update and improve their existing premises and processes by:-
Extending the workshop area, including the spray shop and providing timber and briquette stock storage capacity
Modernising the spray shop facility to increase volume and efficiency

Putting in place ‘greener’ energy solutions e.g. LED lighting
The business has designed a ‘Passive Window’ which has been certified by the German Passive Haus Institute. They are the only manufacturer in the UK of these high specification timber items. This project is essential to test the ‘Passive Windows and Doors’ for Secure by Design by TRADA (trade recognised organisation for product testing) and to meet new demands in addition to regular orders, whilst continuing to secure the employment and training of local people.

SDF 0341- Grub
Grub is a food experience with a difference, turning everything you think you know about food and sustainable eating on its head, whilst utilising and promoting the huge variety of fantastic resources available in Pembrokeshire. Grub introduces people to the world of entomophagy (eating insects) as well as other sustainable, less well-known sources of animal and vegetable protein. Grub is an innovative food experience which will educate, demonstrate and advise people on making more sustainable choices when it comes to feeding themselves and their families. Grub will be located on Dr Beynon’s Bug Farm. It will operate as a completely separate business, but will be linked closely with the ethos and overall aim of: ‘conservation through research, innovation and education’. Indeed a collaboration between Grub and the Bug Farm will see the breeding of a huge variety of edible insects on-site, for sale at the Bug Farm, and for use in dishes at Grub’s innovative, new, low-carbon restaurant. Grub will deliver interactive cooking demonstrations and educational packages for school groups. It will also create a community hub to connect people that want to discover a more sustainable lifestyle from field to fork. Regular feast nights will double-up as workshops where locals and visitors to the area can enjoy food from Grub’s restaurant. Guest speakers will deliver talks on the many aspects and skills behind sustainable living. Question and answer sessions will encourage people to share knowledge and information.

SDF 0342 – Theatr Gwaun/Newport Memorial Hall Collaboration Project Manager
The community venues of Newport Memorial Hall and Theatre Gwaun wish to trial a collaborative approach towards the management and development of both venues. By creating two new part time Collaborative Project Manager posts, over the next three years the project will build upon work already carried out to enhance and develop these facilities in a complementary way, whilst steering both venues towards grant independence. This new partnership will develop a dynamic complementary programme of events and new joint projects in a cost effective way, which boosts and adds value to existing programmes. By working with other organisations and ensuring community involvement, participation and outreach, this project will secure a central resource for activities, culture, art, social activity and local heritage, which are considered essential components for truly sustainable communities.


Dydd Mercher, 8 Mai 2013

Lawrlwythwch y cofnodion

1. To receive apologies for absence

2. To receive any disclosure of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business

3. To confirm the minutes of the meeting of the SDF Committee held on the 16th January 2013

4 To consider the report of the SDF Administrator

5. To consider the applications on the following pages:

SDF0331 – Caerhys Organic Community Agriculture Polytunnel
Caerhys Organic Community Supported Agriculture (COCA) is a community supported agriculture scheme run on the principles of social enterprise. Member households pay £20 to £40 a month for a weekly share of organically grown local produce. COCA has been growing organic seasonal vegetables on 4 acres of land at Caerhys Organic Farm since early 2010. In order to ensure better early growing conditions for a larger variety of module-grown field crops, over winter production of late and early salads and greens and increased summer production of tender crops such as tomatoes, cucumber, beans and sweetcorn, COCA wish to purchase a second polytunnel. More than one polytunnel is required for crop rotation, organic disease control and to achieve the extended season and quantities of production aimed for in uncertain climatic conditions. This second polytunnel is vital to maintain and improve the quality, quantity and variety of vegetables, which will help to expand membership to a target of 80 households.

SDF0332 – Diversity Outdoors in Pembrokeshire Coast National Park
Through this project ‘Diversity Outdoors’ aim to introduce people from the Ethnic Minority Communities of South East Wales to the natural beauty and opportunities for healthy activity in the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park (PCNP). This will be achieved by organising a programme of enjoyable and educational visit and events, which will break down barriers to people from diverse cultural communities accessing the PCNP. By using new and different methods to help groups who otherwise wouldn’t visit Pembrokeshire to get to know and appreciate the National Park, the project will build lasting links between urban ethnic minority visitors and communities in the National Park for mutual benefit. Planned activities will explore creative and innovative ways to promote a deeper understanding of the natural environment, sustainability and the value of supporting sustainable small businesses in the National Park. The project will explore the value of using Participatory Action Research evaluation methods to involve participants in project development and planning and draw out learning on good practice whilst also building mutual understanding.

SDF0333 – Coppice Plot Charcoal
Project application withdrawn.

SDF0334 – Waste Paper and Card to Bio-mass Solid Fuel
Polypembs Ltd offers a free collection of waste expanded polystyrene packaging and associated cardboard and paper from local businesses and amenity sites to capture this valuable resource before it enters the waste stream.

This project will bring a new and useful solution to the packaging paper, card and cardboard that is collected and is at present baled and transported to distant mills or exported. The cardboard and paper will be processed into an economical bio-mass fuel to be used locally in open fires, log burners, Aga’s and bio-mass boilers. This high performance fuel in the form of small logs or briquettes will be available throughout the local area in bulk or bagged form and will offer a real and cost effective alternative to traditional solid fuels.

SDF0335 – Dr Beynon’s Bug Farm: Phase I
Dr Beynon’s Bug Farm is a brand-new venture set up in 2013 and based in St Davids. The Bug Farm combines:-

1) ‘Dung Beetles Direct’ (DBD): an innovative initiative breeding dung beetles to supply to farmers/horse-owners to deliver key ecosystem services including removal of dung from pasture and
2) education and outreach on the importance of insects.

SDF support is requested to start up the education and outreach programme, for scientific research essential to the success of ‘Dung Beetles Direct’, and to disseminate knowledge and raise awareness of the importance of dung beetles in a sustainable ecosystem.

The education and outreach programme will include expert led bug safaris, across land in St Davids, on Ramsey Island and beyond. Participants will learn about the importance of insects and their roles in our sustainable future. The research element of the project will include a study to map the genetic diversity of dung beetle species to ensure that only the correct species are bred and released, preventing genetic dilution of wild populations and to test beetles for transmissible livestock diseases. This will ensure the sustainable development of DBD and that it builds its reputation as a world leader in its field.

This first phase of a much bigger overall project vision to develop the Bug Farm activities into a research station and educational facility is essential for the sustainable start-up and early development of Dr Beynon’s Bug Farm.

SDF0336 – Saundersfoot Regency Hall Community Regeneration Project
Saundersfoot’s Community Village Hall (The Regency Hall) that was designed and built over 50 years ago by local people has been demolished and is being replaced by a new modern, energy efficient and sustainably designed community building. The new building is being constructed to BREEAM Very Good standard and will provide significantly improved facilities for residents, visitors, community groups, local businesses and many others. To complete the refurbishment, ensure that the Hall will be able to deliver for its wide range of users and be financially sustainable into the future, additional funding is required. The funding requested is needed to complete the fit for purpose kitchen, for a theatrical sound and lighting system and an electric mobility scooter to benefit residents and visitors with limited mobility. The kitchen equipment will support a small café for the hall users and enable catering for larger hall bookings such as weddings and conferences. The sound and lighting equipment will greatly enhance productions by local amateur dramatic societies and also benefit the local schools as well as facilitating other activities including concerts, meetings, film shows, conferences, drama or exercise classes etc. All will enhance social cohesion, promote inter-generational activities within the community, encourage greater inclusivity and are essential for longer term financial viability.

SDF0337 – Stackpole Gardens Development
Pembrokeshire Mencap Ltd has been providing facilities for adults with learning difficulties for over 30 years at Stackpole Gardens. Clients from all over the County study basic horticulture and life skills associated with meeting members of the public who buy produce grown by the clients. They are currently in the final stage of completing their new straw baled building (part funded by SDF and CCW over the last two years). This project is the next stage after completing the new building, which will house a shop, office, community space/tea room and kitchen. They are planning a new education programme aimed at primary school age children, better access and landscaping to increase the overall number of people visiting and benefitting from the gardens and a new greenhouse. The greenhouse will be located on the south side of the original heated garden wall first used in the late 18th century. The new greenhouse will help to ensure a constant supply of vegetables which can then be sold in the shop or used as fresh produce in the café. School children and visitors will be able to see fresh vegetables from seedlings to mature plants ready for harvesting. They will learn how even the smallest garden or backyard can grow produce for use in home cooking. Other education information displayed will explain the history of the gardens and the way they functioned 250 years ago. This will include the rainwater recycle reservoir, the heated mellon pits and the heated hollow walls. The additional work required for renovation and improvement of access to the site and new building will include new sustainable oak gates and improved car park facilities, particularly benefitting visitors reliant on wheel chairs.

SDF0338 – Green Key Pilot
Green Key is a non-governmental, independent, eco-labelling programme for the tourist industry, which is recognised and supported by the World Tourism Organisation and the United Nations Environment Programme. Keep Wales Tidy (KWT) wish to run a 14 month pilot of Green Key in Pembrokeshire, with the longer term aim to establish Green Key in Wales. Currently Green Key is not run anywhere in the UK. The pilot will be based on working with 25 tourism businesses in the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park and establishing an Advisory Committee, with members from tourism interest groups locally as well as national organisations such as Visit Wales and Welsh Water, to develop and test the criteria for the programme. Crucial to the pilot is the development of an IT system to enable the programme to be run electronically, which is essential to make participation and evaluation as easy as possible. This will be achieved by looking at on-line systems developed in France and the Netherlands and adapting a suitable version for Wales. The pilot will also allow KWT to set affordable fee structures which reflect the different sizes of establishments. A business plan will be commissioned to ensure that the Green Key Programme and the fee structure that emerges can be rolled out effectively, is economically sound and contributes to the upkeep of the local environment by incorporating a form of visitor pay-back.

SDF 0339 – Dr Beynon’s Bug Farm: Phase II
Dr Beynon’s Bug Farm is a new venture set up in 2013 and based in St Davids. Phase I of the project is to establish an education and outreach programme on the importance of insects and to undertake scientific research in connection with breeding dung beetles for key ecosystems services. This Phase II project will enable the enterprise to develop into a farm delivering conservation through research, innovation and education. It is the next step towards overall development of the Bug Farm and includes the purchase of a farmstead site in St Davids so that the Bug Farm has a permanent base that will enable expansion of the enterprise to meet demand. After purchase, two traditional buildings will be renovated into a laboratory/interpretative centre and a controlled temperature dung beetle breeding room with a public viewing gallery. A wheelchair-accessible compost toilet will also be built. These facilities will allow development into an internationally renowned research station, an education resource for residents and tourists and provide a wet weather tourist attraction. The project also aims to restore lowland heath habitat on the farm, creating a linked corridor between two habitats of national importance for biodiversity, i.e. between Dowrog Common Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and St Davids Airfield (SSSI). It also provides a unique research opportunity into species movements and colonisation of previously isolated habitat patches through conservation grazing on the farm and Dowrog Common.

Overall, the funding would provide the infrastructure to develop the Bug Farm into an internationally-renowned research station, facilitate innovative, world-class research on ecosystem services provided by wildlife and the future of sustainable food production. The public interpretative centre at the Bug Farm would then act to disseminate this innovative research to the residents of, and visitors to, Pembrokeshire, whilst the creation of the habitat corridor delivers conservation in action.

Dydd Mercher, 16 Jan 2013

Lawrlwythwch y cofnodion

1. To receive apologies for absence

2. To receive any disclosure of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business

3. To confirm the minutes of the meeting of the SDF Committee held on the 3rd October, 2012

4 To consider the report of the SDF Administrator

5. To consider the applications on the following pages:

SDF 0326 – Wyndrush Wild Meadow Seed
This project entails harvesting seed from wildflower meadows for use by local individuals and organisations who wish to restore similar meadows on their own land. The project will provide an economic incentive for traditional, good ecological management of flower-rich hay meadows, helping this scarce and precious resource to be maintained into the future. It will also provide opportunities for additions to this resource to be made in an ecologically sound fashion, using locally-sourced, native seed from plants adapted to the Pembrokeshire environment.

SDF 0327 – Affordable Solar Homes
Solar Homes is a new project to develop low density affordable housing and microgeneration in an integrated unit. It also seeks to source 80% of its materials and expertise in Wales and create local employment. The main output of this project will be a working prototype of a solar powered 2 storey 100sqm home to Level4/5 of the sustainability code at under £50,000.
The solar homes project has four objectives;
1. To develop an Eco home with a Code for Sustainable Homes rating of at least level 4 at a cost below £50k
2. To utilise locally sourced timber for the substantial part of its construction thereby creating a sustainable regional supply chain.
3. To commercialise the prototype for sale as a prefabricated house and create local, semi skilled, manufacturing jobs
4.bring a change in awareness of timber built homes.

SDF 0328 – Cemaes Himalayan Balsam Eradication Project 2013
St Dogmaels Community Association’s project “Cemaes Himalayan Balsam Eradication Project 2013” will follow on from successful project work commenced in 2012. The overall aim is to prevent the spread & to eradicate the invasive weed, Himalayan Balsam, from a 30 acre area on Cemaes Head and to return land unmanaged for many decades to a more productive agricultural state with a pattern of natural wildlife habitat areas of blackthorn & gorse stands within the fields . Work undertaken to date has proved effective, but to realise even greater potential benefits to conservation, biodiversity and longer term sustainable land management, additional follow on work is essential. Project work will include further removal of Himalayan Balsam from sites by hand pulling or mechanical means, depending upon the density of plant growth and nature of the terrain.

SDF 0329 – eduCAT
The eduCAT (education catalyst) project takes actual sustainability challenges, which are being experienced by business or public sector organizations, into the County’s secondary schools. Pupils from an entire school year group are encouraged and helped to develop innovative and practical solutions to the set challenges that take into account social, economic and environmental considerations. With guidance, their ideas will be developed into a business plan that will be presented back to the challenge setter. Pupils gain new understanding and an opportunity to apply their academic knowledge to real life business situations, whilst developing new skills such as creative thinking and practical understanding of the implications and constraints that climate change Mai place on their future employers. Adventure guides, who are currently only seasonally employed, will be trained to deliver the programme, which will also help to retain skilled young people working in the county throughout the year.

SDF 0330 – Cardigan Community Regeneration Options Appraisal Study
4CG, a community enterprise company, are seeking SDF support to undertake a feasibility study and fully business planned options appraisal exercise to determine how they can best deliver commercially viable sustainable development of Cardigan and the surrounding areas. Their over-riding intention is to support and future proof the local economy, by provision of the most appropriate facilities to support local businesses and producers and to retain finances and resources locally. Through community share offers and loan facilities they have purchased three sites in Cardigan which will be developed for the benefit of the local economy. The proposed study will look at all aspects of these sites to determine costed and commercially viable options from which one will be chosen as the optimal form of development. An important part of the study will also be community consultation, as it is hoped that the preferred development option will become a new ‘heart’ for Cardigan and surrounding communities. It will be an exemplar, fully commercially viable model of community based sustainable development of benefit to other communities who seek the same future for their local area.

Dydd Mercher, 3 Hydref 2012

Lawrlwythwch y cofnodion

1. To elect a Chairman for the ensuing year.

2. To elect a Deputy Chairman for the ensuing year.

3. To receive apologies for absence

4. To receive any disclosure of interest by Members or Officers in respect of any item of business

5. To confirm the minutes of the meeting of the SDF Grant Assessment Panel held on the 24th February, 2012

6. To consider the report of the SDF Administrator

7. To consider the following applications:

SDF 0323 – Economic Valuation of Marine Recreation Activity
Pembrokeshire Coastal Forum (PCF), utilising specialist Consultant expertise will provide an economic value to mapped areas of marine recreation in two pilot areas of Pembrokeshire. This will provide clear evidence and methods to state how much individual activities are worth to the local economy and provide a repeatable process to expand the project geographically. The work will be an extension to existing sustainable recreation management work, including the Wales Activity Mapping (WAM) project. A consortium of leading experts will devise methods to place £s in all of the mapped areas of activity and activity pathways for each pilot area, which will enable a direct value to be placed on the local economy for activities such as wildlife boat trips around Ramsey, coasteering on St Davids Head, sea angling in Dale etc. The work will take place using a phased approach by firstly assessing a suitable draft methodology which would be informed through literature review and then testing and applying this to two sites of relevance to national policy viz, Dale and St Davids Peninsula. Identifying areas of high recreational use/value has many potential benefits. For example, it will provide an evidence based approach to marine and coastal planning processes and assist coastal communities, activity providers and the recreation and tourism industry to engage with upcoming policy consultation.

SDF 0324 – Marine Wildlife Awareness Schools Road Show
This project proposes to bring a marine life ‘road show’ by ‘Silent World to You’ to 20-25 primary schools in Pembrokeshire. Targetted at the Foundation Phase (3-7 year olds) the outside world will be brought into the classroom (in several aquaria!), along with simple supplementary resources to make the most of the experience, and with the potential for follow-up by local marine biologists. A pack will be provided with extension ideas including associated curriculum-linked activity suggestions, guidance on fieldwork, list of fieldwork sites and further information links.The objective of the project is to raise awareness of local marine wildlife, and to highlight that human use of the marine environment and adjacent coast can affect marine life.

SDF 0325 – Walking with Wheels
This project will build upon work already being undertaken through the existing National Park Authority ‘Walkability’ Project, which is partly funded by Hywel Dda Health Trust and encourages people with limited mobility to get out and enjoy the countryside. It has also identified a much greater demand for organised walks and events for those with mobility problems. ‘Walking with Wheels’ will increase the number of participants and reduce some of the barriers the less mobile have to overcome in order to enjoy and appreciate the outdoors by:

1. Providing an electric mobility scooter at both Tenby and
Newport Visitor Centres
2. Developing a circular mobility path at St Davids Airfield
3. Developing a series of suitable ‘walks’ in these locations
4. Providing additional transport capable of carrying wheelchairs for mobility walks
to key locations
5. Providing suitably qualified and experience ‘walk’ leaders
It will enable residents and visitors who feel they are excluded due to their health and mobility problems to enjoy the outdoors with potential benefits for their physical and mental well being as well and to develop new social connections. Some of the organised walks will introduce the participants to areas of the National Park with significant biodiversity and historical interest and the leaflets for the walks will include points of interest en route.